Sunday, November 1, 2009

catching up

Sorry for the delay. I have been dragging around with some weird salivary gland infection and my beloved was pretty sick. I presume he had a bad cold, he never went to the doctor for it. He still has that cough, though...
Anyway, 2 weeks ago the "secret ingredient" was 2 tablespoons of frozen concentrated orange juice in place of 1 egg. Last week, the "secret ingredient" was extra vanilla. Both of these recipes got good reviews.
My younger son has been distributing "bonus brownies" to some of his coworkers. The "bonus brownies" are the ones that would be left over at the end of the week. However, he happens to be on vacation this week and his coworkers were questioning how were they going to get their weekly brownie fix. They even suggested that Will made a special trip to work to drop the brownies off.
This week's brownie is 1 less egg and extra vanilla, plus a mix of Hershey and Ghiradelli cocoa. Pretty good. The bread I made was "The Redbook Breadbook"
overnight dinner rolls.

The cake - I made a strawberry pie filling and a tart kind of vanilla cake. The strawberry filling went on top of the cake and my beloved loves it.
Soon, It will time for the biggest baking season of the year - the Thanksgiving to Christmas season. Last Thanksgiving, I had a fire in my oven (my fault) and ended up having no oven until about December 21. I wasn't a happy camper about any of it. I never had an oven fire get out of control like that before and never destroyed a stove before. This year I plan to make sure I have an oven liner for the oven. I'm sure I'll be more aware of what I am doing this year. I felt like I was struggling against a fog of grief last year.
Anyway, that's it for this week.

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